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Governor Hogan announces new Maryland Supply Chain Resiliency initiative

The initiative will provide funding, training and educational programs to address supply chain issues

BALTIMORE, Md. (December 14, 2021)—Governor Larry Hogan today announced that the Maryland Department of Commerce, in coordination with the Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MD MEP) is launching the Maryland Supply Chain Resiliency Program, a new initiative aimed at supporting resilience building activities for Maryland manufacturers. 
“Maryland continues to be a national leader in helping to address the supply chain crisis that is affecting families, businesses, and industries,” said Governor Hogan. “This new program is an innovative way to help manufacturers deal with these challenges and boost the resiliency of our supply base.”
This initiative will provide opportunities for Maryland manufacturers to learn and share best practices for improving their supply chains, helping to manage through the current supply chain crisis, improve outcomes, and reduce risk. Additionally, it will help manufacturers connect with local suppliers, customers, and partners. 
Grants will be available for technical assistance to manufacturers in the state that lost sales, revenue, contracts, customers, or suppliers due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as those whose workforce or supply chain was disrupted. Assistance can range from helping a business identify new markets and supply chain solutions, to export activities, executive coaching, and adopting and implementing new technologies. 
“We recognize that many of Maryland’s manufacturers have been hurt by COVID-19, and we are so pleased to have received this grant, which will enable us to give them the support and expert guidance they need,” said Maryland Commerce Secretary Kelly M. Schulz. “With COVID-19 still having a significant impact on our global supply chain, we are hopeful this program will offer short-term and long-term solutions for our manufacturers.”
“We are excited for the opportunity to partner with the Maryland Department of Commerce to create and deliver new programs to support companies that have been impacted by COVID-19,” said Maryland MEP’s Executive Director Mike Kelleher. “Manufacturers across the state are struggling with supply chain challenges and we are confident that this funding will help make Maryland’s supply base more resilient and stronger in the future.”
In addition, the Port of Baltimore continues to be on the front lines of the response to the supply chain crisis, recently welcoming two new container services totaling 21 new ships on weekly schedules due to congestion at other ports. In addition to regularly scheduled ship calls, the Port has served dozens of “ad hoc” ships—vessels diverted to Baltimore that were not on a regularly scheduled service call. The Port’s high number of local distribution, fulfillment, and sorting centers—totaling millions of square feet of space—combined with its outstanding truck and rail networks, and its highly skilled longshore workforce are all contributing factors. 
Eligibility and Application Guidelines:
To be eligible for this new program, manufacturers must be located in Maryland and qualify as a manufacturer as defined by NAICS codes 31-33 The business also needs to have at least 10 employees and $1 million in annual revenues, and demonstrate that one or more of their business operations have been adversely impacted by COVID-19. Once an application is received, a business assessment and review of a company’s business practices will be done to better understand the impacts on the business, which will enable the assessment team to identify potential growth strategies. Applications for the program are now being accepted at mdmep.org/md-scrp/.
About Maryland Department of Commerce

The Maryland Department of Commerce stimulates private investment and creates jobs by attracting new businesses, encouraging the expansion and retention of existing companies, and providing financial assistance to Maryland companies. The Department promotes the State’s many economic advantages and markets local products and services at home and abroad to spur economic development and international investment, trade and tourism. Because they are major economic generators, the Department also supports the Arts, film production, sports and other special events. For more information, visit commerce.maryland.gov.


Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) issues Request for Proposal for Marketing Campaign

The selected consultant will develop messaging that promotes Montgomery County as an ideal place to start or grow a business

Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization established in July 2016 to foster business growth and
expansion in Montgomery County, MD. Overseen by a Board of Directors, MCEDC is committed to growing the county’s vibrant business community and leveraging its strengths assets to build an even stronger, more stable and diverse economy.

(MCEDC) is requesting proposals from local marketing firms (Consultants) to develop messaging that promote Montgomery County as an ideal place to start or grow a business. The messaging would be aimed primarily at the local business community, with the goal of encouraging new business creation and expansion projectsand changing the perception that Montgomery County is not businessfriendly. Local policymakers and residents could also be an audience for this campaign.

The campaign may extend beyond local audiences to include national businesses in target industries, with the goal of encouraging businesses to move or expand to Montgomery County, MD. The Consultant would also share recommendations for paid media placements as part of the proposal.

The deadline to submit proposals is January 31, 2022.

RFP Overview

From the issue date of this RFP until selection and award, the designated contracting officer is the sole point of contact concerning the RFP. The primary mode of communication between MCEDC and potential Bidders will occur on the MCEDC Careers Webpage.

Interested parties can download the RFP and additional documents from the MCEDC Careers webpage beginning December 1, 2021. The RFP is being made available electronically. If Bidder electronically accepts the RFP, Bidder acknowledges and accepts full responsibility to ensure that no changes are made to the RFP. In the event of a conflict between a version of the RFP in Bidder’s possession and the contracting officer’s version, the contracting officer’s version shall govern.

It is the responsibility of respondents to check MCEDC’s Careers webpage for any addenda or modifications to a RFP to which they intend to respond. MCEDC accepts no liability and will provide no accommodation to Respondents who submit a response based on an outofdate RFP document.

With the exception of the proposal submission deadline, MCEDC reserves the right to make changes to the timeline below. Each Bidder responding to this RFP must supply all required documentation. Failure to comply with this RFP will result in the disqualification of Bidder’s proposal.


RFP Published

Deadline to submit questions

Answers to questions posted on website

Monitoring the MCEDC Careers webpage for all communications regarding the RFP submissions

Deadline to submit proposal

Selection of Successful Bidder

Contract Awarded


Potential Bidders

Potential Bidders

Issuing Office

Potential Bidders

Potential Bidders

Issuing Office

Successful Bidder


December 1, 2021


As received


January 31, 2022

February 18, 2022

February 25, 2022

Rockville selected as Connected DMV’s Global Pandemic Prevention and Biodefense Center Headquarters

US Pharmacopeia provides premier office and conference space in Rockville for the Center to prevent the next pandemic, benefitting the region and nation

ROCKVILLE, Md. (December 8, 2021) – Montgomery County is home to the new Global Pandemic Prevention and Biodefense Center launched by Connected DMV. The Center will be co-located in Rockville at the US Pharmacopeia offices at 12601 Twinbrook Pkwy, Rockville, MD 20852. 

Connected DMV, a leading Greater Washington organization that seeks to help solve complex regional challenges, spearheaded efforts to establish the Global Pandemic Prevention and Biodefense Center in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Center’s goal is to help prevent future outbreaks from becoming pandemics by developing a stockpile of human monoclonal antibodies in advance for emerging infectious diseases and by integrating antibody distribution and delivery across the global health and pandemic prevention ecosystem. Montgomery County is uniquely positioned to be the host location for the Center, which aims to harness the rich talent and critical health research, biotech, defense, and government assets required to deliver a full-scale response.

Connected DMV represents a regional effort toward a shared vision for new, transformational approaches and initiatives that span jurisdictional boundaries. Connected DMV regional initiatives include pandemic prevention and preparedness, infrastructure resilience, quantum innovation, clean energy, economic mobility, economic renewal, and social equity. Montgomery County representatives, including the County Executive and the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC), serve on the steering committee of several Connected DMV initiatives. 

“Montgomery County is uniquely positioned to be the host location for the Center, which aims to harness the rich talent and critical health research, biotech, defense, and government assets required to deliver a full-scale response,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “This Center is not only critical to the health, safety, and security of our nation and world, but also this is an important economic development and job creating concept that we want to see come to fruition.”

Rockville’s US Pharmacopeia, an independent, scientific nonprofit organization focused on building trust in the global medicine supply chain, welcomes the Center to co-locate at its Twinbrook Parkway campus. “We are honored and privileged to host the groundbreaking work Connected DMV is doing,” said Ronald T. Piervincenzi, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, US Pharmacopeia. “Montgomery County is one of the leading life sciences hubs in the world, so it makes perfect sense for the Global Pandemic Prevention and Biodefense Center to be here.” 

“We appreciate the leadership and sponsorship from Montgomery County, MCEDC, and US Pharmacopeia in support of the strategy and now the physical location for the Global Pandemic Prevention and Biodefense Center,” said Stu Solomon, President & CEO of Connected DMV. “Working together, the Center will deliver an ambitious, medical countermeasures program (AHEAD100) that aims to develop and stockpile monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for the world’s top 100 pathogens across the 25 pathogen families most likely to cause future pandemics while also driving equitable economic growth in the DMV.”

“Locating the Global Pandemic Prevention and Biodefense Center in Montgomery County represents a significant milestone in our collective efforts both regionally and across sectors – government, industry, academia, community, and philanthropy – to prevent the next pandemic and drive equitable economic growth,” said Benjamin H. Wu, President and CEO of MCEDC. “The initiatives such as the Pandemic Prevention Center that Connected DMV is advancing for our region are among the most visionary, transformational, and innovative efforts that our region has pursued together.”

Press Release Link: https://thinkmoco.com/press-releases/cdmv


About Connected DMV and the Global Pandemic Prevention & Biodefense Center

Connected DMV is an initiatives-based, charitable 501(c)(3) organization that works with regional organizations across Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia – the DMV – to help drive ongoing improvements to social, digital, and physical infrastructure. Connected DMV focuses on initiatives that span local jurisdictions and require public-private-academia-community collaboration to best achieve the dual objectives of enduring economic health and social equity.

Connected DMV has a vision to create the world’s only comprehensive center to coordinate a global pandemic prevention and response program. Called the Global Pandemic Prevention & Biodefense Center, this Center aims to harness all of the rich talent and critical health research, biotech, defense, and government assets that the world has to offer to deliver a full-scale response. The flagship lead initiative of the Center will be AHEAD100. This ambitious, medical countermeasures program aims to develop and stockpile monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for the world’s top 100 pathogens across 25 pathogen families most likely to cause pandemics.

For more information about Connected DMV, visit connecteddmv.org

For more information about the Global Pandemic Prevention & Biodefense Center, visit: https://www.connecteddmv.org/pandemic-center


About US Pharmacopeia (USP)

USP is an independent, nonprofit, scientific organization that sets quality standards for medicines, dietary supplements, and food ingredients worldwide. USP’s quality standards are enforceable in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration and legally recognized in more than 50 countries. These standards, which are continuously developed and revised by more than 750 volunteer experts in science, industry, healthcare, and academia, are also used in more than 150 countries. Learn more at usp.org

About Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC)

The Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) is the official public-private economic development organization representing Montgomery County, Maryland. Created in 2016, MCEDC is led by a Board of Directors of business executives. Its mission is to help businesses start, grow and relocate in Montgomery County by helping them gain access to top talent, business and market intelligence and prime locations. For more information, visit www.thinkmoco.com



Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Maryland program now accepting Implementation Grant Proposals

The Department of Labor is seeking applications to grow its nationally-recognized workforce development initiative

BALTIMORE, Md. (December 6, 2021) – Maryland Department of Labor, Today, the the Maryland Department of Labor (Labor) announced that the Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Maryland program, the industry-led, competitive workforce and economic development grant initiative, is now accepting Implementation Grant Proposals. Proposals will be due on March 4, 2022, and awards will be made in May of 2022.

Under Governor Hogan’s leadership, the funding for EARN Maryland has doubled, with an added $3 million annually for cyber and IT training, investments in clean and green jobs training, and funding for opportunity zones. Encouraging collaboration, EARN Maryland funds Strategic Industry Partnerships comprised of five or more employers, and a wide array of other organizations, including non-profits, higher education, local workforce development boards, and local governments.

“As Maryland businesses continue to rebound from the economic impacts of COVID-19, it is important to ensure we are providing a wide array of resources,” said Secretary Robinson. “Investing in and expanding this nationally-recognized initiative is a common sense way to add another tool for employers to have the talent necessary to continue to thrive, while providing meaningful career pathways to the middle class for all Marylanders.”

Partnerships funded through EARN provide in-demand, relevant training to unemployed, underemployed, and incumbent workers based upon industry identified needs. Successful applicants to Labor’s solicitation will develop a comprehensive plan to bridge employer-identified skills gaps in a given industry, while demonstrating the ability to address the holistic needs of workers and eliminate barriers to employment.

EARN Maryland currently funds more than 60 Strategic Industry Partnerships across the state in diverse, high-growth industries, such as information technology, healthcare, transportation and logistics, and biotechnology. As a result of its industry-led model, nearly 7,000 individuals have obtained employment, and more than 9,500 incumbent workers have obtained new skills, certifications, or credentials. EARN has been identified as a national best practice for its innovation in sector strategies by organizations like the National Skills Coalition and the Urban Institute. The program was also named one of the Top 25 programs in the 2018 Innovations in American Government Award competition by The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, a leading research center at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Labor will hold a virtual Pre-Proposal Conference on December 15 at 10:00 a.m.

For more information about EARN Maryland and for a link to the Solicitation for Implementation Grant Proposals, please visit: https://www.labor.maryland.gov/earn/


HSR.health announces issuance of U.S. patent to identify population at-risk of opioid addiction

The patent covers the firm's novel approach of leveraging geospatial tech, advanced AI models, and broad sets of social determinants of health data to stratify patients at risk of opioid addiction

ROCKVILLE, Md., Nov. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ —  HSR.health, a leading provider of health-focused geospatial data analytics, today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued U.S. Patent No. 11,177,040. The patent covers the firm’s novel approach of leveraging geospatial tech, advanced AI models, and broad sets of social determinants of health data to stratify patients at risk of opioid addiction, diversion, and having an overdose in the next 12 months. The data can be used to provide guidance on mitigating such risks.

“This first filed patent marks an important milestone for our GeoHealth Platform and is an acknowledgement of the uniqueness of our health-focused spatial data infrastructure,” says Ajay Gupta, CEO of HSR.health. “This patent solidifies our approach to identifying the at-risk population for early intervention and necessary care or counseling, so they do not fall victim to an overdose, addiction, or contribute to diversion.”

The patented approach is also extensible to other health conditions. For instance, the data can be used to identify those at high-risk of diabetic complications. A focus on the social factors that impact health outcomes, can also help identify medium-risk individuals who may be pre-diabetic. For such individuals, lifestyle changes can reduce their risks of contracting the disease entirely or reduce its severity.

“This patent is further evidence that our product strategy is gaining momentum,” says Ram Peruvemba, M.D. and CMO of HSR.health. “It establishes our proprietary concept of using a spatial data infrastructure as a central platform that serves multiple purposes and is core to everything we do, from helping health systems address readmissions to aiding countries in pandemic response.”

Additionally, the company’s platform provides:

  • A repository for merged and curated sets of geocoded health and social data.
  • A workbench, enabling analysis by machine learning, artificial intelligence, and statistical and epidemiological processes.
  • Open data-standards based communication channels to share data.
  • An interface with clinical systems (e.g., electronic health record systems), as well as emergency response management systems.
  • Guidance on health mitigation and preparedness efforts.

The company has filed six additional U.S. patents. All patents involve leveraging geospatial tech, the company’s proprietary geospatial platform, geocoded health and social data, and AI models as well as direct support for mitigation actions.

These patents include, but are not limited to:

  • Addressing the risk of adverse health events such as maternal and child health complications during gestation, labor, delivery, and postpartum.
  • Identifying the risk of spread of infectious disease.
  • Identifying those at risk of mortality and severe complications from disease.
  • Identify the medical supplies, devices, testing, etc., needed to respond to disease (e.g., such as an endemic or pandemic-level disease).
  • Identifying the risk of disease spread within a community or within an enclosed space.

Collectively, these patents and the company’s planned future patent filings provide IP protection for its novel approach to provide digital disease surveillance and intervention solutions for the world. The company recently received non-dilutive Phase 1 funding to pilot this Pandemic Early Warning and Response Platform.

Co-founders Gupta and Peruvemba are the named inventors of this patent, which has an official issue date of Tuesday, November 16, 2021.

About HSR.health

HSR.health is an emerging health tech firm based in Rockville, MD that delivers the only cloud-based analytics and visualization platform that merges data on social determinants of health with social media data, health outcomes, and costs to extract clinical insights. Their GeoHealth Platform is designed to offer point-of-care decision support, anticipate future healthcare delivery needs, and serve the diverse needs of health systems, health plans, regulators and insurers. Most recently, HSR.health pivoted and developed products to aid and improve global pandemic response. To learn more, visit HSR.health.


Link to Press Release: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/hsrhealth-announces-issuance-of-us-patent-to-identify-population-at-risk-of-opioid-addiction-301433527.html

Rockville companies among TEDCO Maryland Innovation Initiative fund recipients

The Maryland Innovation Initiative invested $150,000 each in twelve companies including Silvec Biologics and Synteris of Rockville

COLUMBIA, Md. (November 22, 2021) TEDCO, Maryland’s economic engine for technology companies, announced its recent round of funding, including investments in 12 start-up companies and funding to 36 university projects through the Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII)

Established in 2012, the MII program was created as a partnership between the State of Maryland and five Maryland academic research institutions: Johns Hopkins University; Morgan State University; University of Maryland, Baltimore; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; and University of Maryland, College Park. The program’s mission is to accelerate promising technologies with significant commercial potential to market while leveraging each partner University’s strengths.

“This past year has seen a record breaking number of applications across various industry sectors for new innovative technologies,” stated Dr. Arti Santhanam, MII executive director. “We are always seeking new opportunities and we’re committed to continue growing our portfolio companies and advancing their technologies to the next level.”

The fund invested $150,000 each in the following 12 companies through the Company Formation Phase of the program:

  • BLOCKsyncop, located in Highland, is a Johns Hopkins University spinout, developing a monitoring device that provides an objective measurement to quantify controlled delivery and effectiveness of neural blocks on pain.
  • Capsulomics, located in Baltimore, is a Johns Hopkins University spinout, resolving diagnostic and prognostic uncertainty to help prevent, detect, and treat gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Empower Therapeutics, located in Baltimore, is a University of Maryland, Baltimore spinout, a digital therapeutics company that utilizes functional targeting for noninvasive neuromodulation of pain sensitivity.
  • Evincis Bio, located in Baltimore, is a Johns Hopkins University spinout, solving therapeutic challenges in Urology with innovative medical technologies.
  • Geminus Therapeutics, located in Baltimore, is a University of Maryland, Baltimore spinout, developing best-in-class Artemisinin (ART714) for treating leukemia.
  • Geothermal Technologies, located in Bel Air, is a Johns Hopkins University spinout, developing the technology to provide clean, economically competitive energy.
  • Haystack Solutions, located in College Park, is a University of Maryland, College Park spinout developing a revolutionary assessment for cybersecurity talent identification and human capital optimization.
  • Kubanda Cryotherapy, located in Baltimore, is a Johns Hopkins University spinout, providing affordable cancer care for pets through a novel, low-cost cryoablation device.
  • ML4Cyber, located in Baltimore, is a University of Maryland, Baltimore County spinout developing machine learning cybersecurity solutions.
  • PreSquared, located in Cockeysville, is a University of Maryland, Baltimore County spinout that builds products to help health organizations prioritize patient care based on levels of risk.
  • Silvec Biologics, located in Rockville, is a University of Maryland, College Park spinout, producing a commercial solution to mitigate deadly citrus tree diseases.
  • Synteris, located in Rockville, is a Johns Hopkins University spinout, developing first-in-class precursor powders for 3D printing of high temperature ceramics.

A full list of funded companies can be viewed on the MII website. Visit TEDCO’s YouTube Channel to view an MII highlight video: https://youtu.be/2rxq9EcjQNQ.

The program also funded a total of 36 grants for FY21 for its technology assessment projects. These projects reflect the technological excellence and diversity in our Maryland partner universities, including:

  • From Johns Hopkins University, developing cryptoplasmic transfer cell (CTC) therapy for retinitis pigmentosa
  • From University of Maryland, College Park, developing capacitive touch cuffs to track hand and finger gestures
  • From University of Maryland, Baltimore County, creating safe and flexible alkaline rechargeable Zn batteries (RZB)

A full list of the grant awardees can be viewed on the MII website.

As start-up companies join TEDCO’s MII portfolio, they also have access to a range of TEDCO resources—from mentors and CEO roundtables to loaned executives. These companies receive the assistance and support they need as they move through team building, balancing the funding elements, and negotiating deals.

“Over the last nine years, the program has shown the impact it can have on Maryland’s entrepreneurial community,” said Robert Hallenbeck, MII board chairman. “MII’s latest round of funding is an excellent example of the innovation we have in the state and we’re committed to helping these companies through the next stages of development.”

In the nine years since its launch, MII has disbursed $43M, de-risked 276 unique technologies and created 119 start-ups. MII’s portfolio of start-ups have gone on to raise over $571.5M in follow-on funding and resulted in seven exits thus far. In addition to being a vital part of the Maryland start-up ecosystem, these companies have created economic value by creating full-time employment for highly skilled tech employees with an average salary of $100,000.

“For nearly a decade, MII has supported the commercialization of innovative research from Maryland’s world-class universities,” stated Renee Winsky, Leadership Maryland CEO.  “We, MII board members, are all grateful to play a part in the stewardship of this remarkable program.”

To view MII’s 2021 Annual Report please visit click here.

For more details on eligibility and application requirements please visit www.tedcomd.com/MII

Link to Press Release: https://www.tedcomd.com/news-events/press-releases/2021/tedcos-maryland-innovation-initiative-advances-innovative

City of Rockville issues Request for Proposal for Community Branding Initiative consultant

The City is seeking a qualified, experienced consultant to develop a community brand that includes market research, brand messaging, logo development, and a brand implementation plan

The City of Rockville is seeking a qualified firm with experience in quantitative and qualitative marketing research, message/positioning development, and municipal identity/branding including development of a brand value statement; logo development and associated graphic standards; and recommendations for brand rollout with an implementation plan that outlines budget and timeline.

The City brand will energize current residents and position the municipality as a desirable place to live, work and play. Key audiences include residents, people who work in the city, visitors and tourists. The brand will enhance general perception, as well as highlight the highquality City services that are provided to residents. The brand will ideally connect residents to City government and promote an atmosphere of open dialogue, inclusivity, and community engagement.

The City of Rockville anticipates this project to be complete within eight months of the award being made.
Brand implementation and execution is a separate project that will require proposals to be submitted under a separate competitive bidding process.

Projected Project Timeline

RFP Issued

Virtual Pre-proposal meeting

Offeror’s technical questions due via email

Addendum to RFP issued (if required)

Proposals due to the City

Contractor oral presentations, if required

Contractor discussions/negotiations

Contract Award

Notice to Proceed

Target Date

November 16, 2021

December 1, 2021

December 6, 2021

December 10, 2021

January 10, 2022

Week of February 7, 2022

Week of February 21, 2022

Week of March 7, 2022

Week of March 21, 2022

The City encourages prospective proposal offerors to register and participate in the virtual pre-proposal meeting on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 3:00pm EST. Please click the button below for more information about the City’s Request for Proposals and bid process.

Rockville’s Snacklins featured on another segment on “Shark Tank”

Image copyright Snacklins

Snacklin recently returned to Shark Tank to give an update two years after receiving a $250,000 investment from the show's billionaire investor, Mark Cuban

Article originally published by Washington Business Journal on November 8, 2021

The local startup that brought its vegan pork rind snacks to ABC’s “Shark Tank” in 2019 is still cooking.Rockville’s Snacklins nabbed another segment on the show Friday, two years after securing $250,000 from billionaire investor Mark Cuban, to give the audience an update. And things are heating up.

The “Shark Tank” update

When Snacklins co-founder Samy Kobrosly made his first appearance on the reality series, the company was averaging $5,000 per week in online sales and could barely keep up with production. After the company’s plant-based crisps made their national television debut, the business hit $100,000, “more sales than we’d ever gotten before,” he said on Friday’s segment.

Snacklins has since expanded its Rockville facility, where it moved in 2019 after outgrowing District culinary incubator Union Kitchen. The snack maker has also nearly tripled its team from 10 to about 27 employees and broken into 2,500 stores across the country including Giant Food, Whole Foods Market, Stop & Shop, MOM’s Organic Market locations and others. Over these two years, Snacklins has surpassed $5.3 million in sales, Kobrosly said on the show.

The startup’s two-year journey

As it expanded into more stores, Snacklins also went through “a significant rebrand” that has led it to produce 10-times the volume it was doing two years ago, CEO Kevin Blesy told us in an email.

Though the pandemic hit the food industry hard, the startup didn’t have to stop production or lay off any staff, Blesy said. “As a food manufacturer, we already had stringent health and safety protocols in place but took the time to make sure our production staff was still comfortable in their day-to-day duties. Having a presence both online and in retail stores, we were also able to capture demand wherever our consumer shopped, especially during the depths of lockdown measures.”

The company declined to disclose annual revenue or projections for 2022, but we know the business generated $2 million in 2019 and pre-pandemic had a target of $10 million for 2020, Kobrosly told us at the time.

Blesy said current priorities include bringing on “a robust pipeline of additional retailers” within the next year, introducing new flavors and package sizes, and ramping up advertising across the country.

Cuban continues to work with the Snacklins team after striking a deal with Kobrosly on the October 2019 episode.

“All you need to know is that we literally go through boxes of Snacklins every month at my house,” Cuban told us in 2019. “Because they are low-cal, taste great and have super clean ingredients we use them for everything: snacks, dipping, break them up on salads, you name it. When I travel I have them delivered to my hotel for snacking.”

“My only regret is that I couldn’t buy more of the company,” he said at the time. “Snacklins are amazing.”

About Snacklins

Former radio personality and chef, Samy Kobrosly, created a simple recipe of yuca, mushrooms, and onions to create a crunchy, airy, 100% vegan and plant-based crisp that resembled a pork rind. The unique ingredients and process used for making SNACKLINS resulted in something even better: a low-calorie, grain-free, scoop-shaped crisp unlike any other snack food available. SNACKLINS has grown all over the country, but remains a small team committed to making delicious, healthy snacks that people love. Learn more about Snacklins at https://snacklins.com/

Rockville life sciences firm, Emmes, launching rare disease center in Europe

Emmes' new acquisition in Spain will be a hub for specialized clinical trial work focused on rare diseases

Emmes’ Chief Human Resource Officer, Jennifer Hester, serves as Vice Chair on Rockville Economic Development, Inc’s (REDI) Board of Directors. REDI congratulates Emmes on their growth, and are grateful for the continued involvement and guidance of Ms. Hester.

Article originally published by the Washington Business Journal on November 4, 2021

Rockville clinical research firm the Emmes Co. is preparing to launch a new rare disease center in Europe, less than six months after snapping up a U.K.-based company focused on rare diseases and amid a major growth period for the local business.

The new center is slated to open Nov. 15 in Barcelona, Spain, as a hub for specialized clinical trial work focused on rare diseases. That’s an area in which Orphan Reach — the company Emmes snapped up in May — specializes. And the new facility stands to double Orphan’s clinical study portfolio over the next year, according to Emmes.

Traci Clemons, chief research officer for Emmes, will lead the rare disease center along with Thomas Ogorka, the firm’s managing director, and Nazira Maruf, its vice president of project management.

“We want to make it easier for both rare disease focused biopharma companies and public sector research institutions to accelerate development of new treatment options for rare disease patients by leveraging a highly specialized global [clinical research organization] committed to rare disease clinical research,” Emmes President and CEO Christine Dingivan said in a statement. “By harnessing the invaluable experience of the combined organization in over 50 rare disease indications, we will provide greater value to patients, investigators, and clients.”

The company did not immediately return a request for comment about its investment in the project and other details about its growth. We will update this post as we hear back.

Emmes — which conducts research and runs clinical studies for other life sciences firms and biotechs, as well as public sector customers — acquired Orphan in a bid to tackle a massive market opportunity, as more than 7,000 rare diseases plague patients around the world, many without treatments. With Orphan under its umbrella, Emmes would be positioned to penetrate the international market and run global trials, Dingivan told us at the time. “Its ability to locate patients throughout the world for clinical trials in rare and orphan diseases will be a big asset for us.”

Now, the combined organization gets ready to open the new site while executing its growth plans under a new structure. Dingivan, a WBJ Women Who Mean Business honoree who assumed the top slot at Emmes in September 2020, split the business into two units — Emmes Biopharma and Emmes Public Sector — to better serve its clients in both areas, she said. That came as she led Emmes to its acquisition of European firm Neox in December.

Emmes continues to consider new acquisition targets that further build up its work in the public sector, “diversify more aggressively” into the biopharmaceutical space, broaden its international work and deepen expertise in therapeutic areas including vaccines and infectious disease, ophthalmology, immunology, neuroscience and mental health, Dingivan told us previously.


About Emmes
Founded in 1977, Emmes is a global, full-service Clinical Research Organization dedicated to excellence in supporting the advancement of public health and biopharmaceutical innovation. The company’s clients include numerous agencies and institutes of the U.S. federal government and a wide range of biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device companies throughout the world. To learn more about how our research is making a positive impact on human health, go to the Emmes website at www.emmes.com.


Montgomery County Online Sales and Telework Grant Program

The Online Sales and Telework Grant Program offers local businesses funds to develop their websites and social media or to assist with telework costs

The Online Sales & Telework Grant Program offers local businesses the opportunity for increased visibility of their products and services through participation in a free centralized online Discover MoCo directory site. The grant funds can be used for costs such as developing or improving their websites and social media presence or providing funding to assist businesses with telework costs.

To maximize access to Montgomery County’s diverse business and customer base, the Discover MoCo directory will be free for businesses and customers to use, mobile friendly, and multilingual.Grants of up to $10,000 each will be available. (Each applicant will receive a pro-rata share of the $789,000 of total funding available. Therefore, the actual grant amounts will be determined by the total number of eligible applicants. 

Applications to the Online Sales and Telework Grant Program will be available from November 12th through midnight on November 19, 2021.

Eligibility Requirements
  1. Business must have been established prior to March 9, 2020.
  2. Business must currently be in operation.
  3. Business must be registered and in good standing with Maryland SDAT (not applicable for sole proprietors).
  4. Business must be registered on the Discover MoCo Business Directory.

            Priority will be given to:

    • Businesses which have not received a COVID-19 Business Relief grant or loan from the Maryland Department of Commerce or a grant from the Maryland Department of Labor for the purchase of equipment to assist in the expansion of opportunities for telework.
    • Businesses that have 20 or fewer full time equivalent (FTE) employees.
Prepare to apply
  1. Review the Eligibility Requirements for the program. All grant applicants must be registered on the Discover MoCo business directory site:  https://visitmontgomery.com/discover-moco/submit/
  2. Be sure to use the correct legal name of the organization on your application.
  3. Check the taxpayer identification number and be sure it matches the legal name of the organization.
  4. Ensure you are in “Good Standing” with the State of Maryland at the time of application.