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Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) issues Request for Proposal for Marketing Campaign

The selected consultant will develop messaging that promotes Montgomery County as an ideal place to start or grow a business

Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization established in July 2016 to foster business growth and
expansion in Montgomery County, MD. Overseen by a Board of Directors, MCEDC is committed to growing the county’s vibrant business community and leveraging its strengths assets to build an even stronger, more stable and diverse economy.

(MCEDC) is requesting proposals from local marketing firms (Consultants) to develop messaging that promote Montgomery County as an ideal place to start or grow a business. The messaging would be aimed primarily at the local business community, with the goal of encouraging new business creation and expansion projectsand changing the perception that Montgomery County is not businessfriendly. Local policymakers and residents could also be an audience for this campaign.

The campaign may extend beyond local audiences to include national businesses in target industries, with the goal of encouraging businesses to move or expand to Montgomery County, MD. The Consultant would also share recommendations for paid media placements as part of the proposal.

The deadline to submit proposals is January 31, 2022.

RFP Overview

From the issue date of this RFP until selection and award, the designated contracting officer is the sole point of contact concerning the RFP. The primary mode of communication between MCEDC and potential Bidders will occur on the MCEDC Careers Webpage.

Interested parties can download the RFP and additional documents from the MCEDC Careers webpage beginning December 1, 2021. The RFP is being made available electronically. If Bidder electronically accepts the RFP, Bidder acknowledges and accepts full responsibility to ensure that no changes are made to the RFP. In the event of a conflict between a version of the RFP in Bidder’s possession and the contracting officer’s version, the contracting officer’s version shall govern.

It is the responsibility of respondents to check MCEDC’s Careers webpage for any addenda or modifications to a RFP to which they intend to respond. MCEDC accepts no liability and will provide no accommodation to Respondents who submit a response based on an outofdate RFP document.

With the exception of the proposal submission deadline, MCEDC reserves the right to make changes to the timeline below. Each Bidder responding to this RFP must supply all required documentation. Failure to comply with this RFP will result in the disqualification of Bidder’s proposal.


RFP Published

Deadline to submit questions

Answers to questions posted on website

Monitoring the MCEDC Careers webpage for all communications regarding the RFP submissions

Deadline to submit proposal

Selection of Successful Bidder

Contract Awarded


Potential Bidders

Potential Bidders

Issuing Office

Potential Bidders

Potential Bidders

Issuing Office

Successful Bidder


December 1, 2021


As received


January 31, 2022

February 18, 2022

February 25, 2022