MTIP helps Maryland retain top tech talent by increasing the number of paid technical internships offered in the state
The Maryland Technology Internship Program (MTIP), funded by the State and administered by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) was created to help retain Maryland’s top tech and life sciences talent. This goal is achieved by increasing the number of paid internships offered in the state.
MTIP offers technology and life science-based businesses and state/local agencies reimbursement for 50% of their internship payroll costs (up to $1,800 for first semester and $1,200 for subsequent semester – maximum $3,000 annually). To be eligible for MTIP funding assistance, the employer, internship position and intern hire must meet the requirements below:
Employer Criteria:
- Be located in Maryland.
- Be a technology-based business, or a state and local agency offering a technical internship.
- Submit a MTIP Application along with a paid, technical internship position for review and approval.
- Employ an intern who meets the MTIP funding eligibility below.
- Participate in an online orientation and complete a short post-internship survey.
MTIP provides resources that help employers design an internship program, and recruit interns. Please click the following link for access to these resources: https://mtip.umbc.edu/employers/resources/
Internship Position Criteria:
- Have an identified staff member who serves as the intern’s supervisor and mentor.
- Provide a physical work-space in Maryland. (Due to COVID-19 precautionary measures, remote internships for Maryland organizations are also temporarily approved.)
- Include a substantive project for the intern.
- Provide a minimum of 120 hours of work per semester (over 8-15 weeks in the fall, winter, spring, or summer).
- Pay at least the current state minimum wage.
Intern Hire Criteria:
- Current college student, with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, who is attending a Maryland higher education institution.
- Current college student, with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above, who is Maryland high school graduate attending a higher education institution outside of Maryland.
- Graduate (within 12 months) of a Maryland higher education institution.
- Maryland resident, with a 2 or 4-year degree, who has been honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces, The National Guard or a Reserve component of the Armed Forces within the last 18 months.
MTIP is now accepting applications for Spring 2022. Please visit https://mtip.umbc.edu/ to learn more about the program. For questions about MTIP, please contact Annie Weinschenk, Assistant Director – MTIP at 410-455-2216 or mtip@umbc.edu