The City is seeking a qualified, experienced consultant to develop a community brand that includes market research, brand messaging, logo development, and a brand implementation plan
The City of Rockville is seeking a qualified firm with experience in quantitative and qualitative marketing research, message/positioning development, and municipal identity/branding including development of a brand value statement; logo development and associated graphic standards; and recommendations for brand rollout with an implementation plan that outlines budget and timeline.
The City brand will energize current residents and position the municipality as a desirable place to live, work and play. Key audiences include residents, people who work in the city, visitors and tourists. The brand will enhance general perception, as well as highlight the high–quality City services that are provided to residents. The brand will ideally connect residents to City government and promote an atmosphere of open dialogue, inclusivity, and community engagement.
The City of Rockville anticipates this project to be complete within eight months of the award being made. Brand implementation and execution is a separate project that will require proposals to be submitted under a separate competitive bidding process.
Projected Project Timeline
RFP Issued
Virtual Pre-proposal meeting
Offeror’s technical questions due via email
Addendum to RFP issued (if required)
Proposals due to the City
Contractor oral presentations, if required
Contractor discussions/negotiations
Contract Award
Notice to Proceed
Target Date
November 16, 2021
December 1, 2021
December 6, 2021
December 10, 2021
January 10, 2022
Week of February 7, 2022
Week of February 21, 2022
Week of March 7, 2022
Week of March 21, 2022
The City encourages prospective proposal offerors to register and participate in the virtual pre-proposal meeting on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 3:00pm EST. Please click the button below for more information about the City’s Request for Proposals and bid process.