The Licensure, Regulation & Education department of Montgomery County’s Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS) recently released updates regarding alcohol licensing and permits.
Lobby Closed Until Further Notice
Effective March 19, the Visitors Entrance/LRE lobby will be closed to the public.
Call 240-777-1999 for assistance.
License Renewal Extensions
In accordance with the Governor’s order that license periods will be extended for 30 days beyond the declared state of emergency, the deadline to submit an alcoholic beverages license renewal application and the deadline to pick up the renewed license will be extended. Licensees will be informed once new deadlines have been established.
For those wishing to submit the renewal application now, paper applications with a check can be mailed to LRE, 201 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878. Applications can also be submitted through the online portal. Use your existing iStore account or create a new account.
Carryout/Delivery Permission for RESTAURANTS
The Board of License Commissioners approved the following resolution authorizing restaurants to sell beer and wine for carryout or delivery with a meal: While the Governor’s order to close all restaurants as a part of the catastrophic health emergency remains in effect, all restaurants licensed by the Montgomery County Board of License Commissioners may sell sealed containers of beer and wine for off-premises consumption along with a takeout or delivered meal. This permission includes the sale of bottles, cans, growlers, and crowlers for off-premises consumption and does not include the sale of alcoholic drinks in a to-go cup. This permission does not include liquor. This permission expires when the emergency order to close restaurants is lifted. Businesses may deliver beer and wine to Montgomery County addresses along with a meal using their own staff. State law prohibits the delivery of alcohol by a third party, such as Grubhub or Uber Eats. Businesses must apply for this permission through an online form, and permission will be granted administratively by Alcohol Beverage Services staff.
Apply for the permission at: https://myabs.formstack.com/forms/restaurant_offpremise_permission.
Delivery Permit for BEER and WINE STORES
The Board of License Commissioners has authorized expedited approval of applications for a Retail Delivery permit by for Class BBWHR, ABW, BDBWL, and DBW licenses.
Apply for the permit at www.montgomerycountymd.gov/ABS/Resources/Files/licensure/abs-retail-delivery-application.pdf.
Get the regulations at www.montgomerycountymd.gov/ABS/Resources/Files/licensure/abs-off-premise-delivery-written-ceftification.pdf.
For Orders and Deliveries
ABS has cancelled all open sales orders and open purchase orders for on-premise only accounts due to Governor Hogan’s executive order to close all restaurants and bars (with the exception of carry-out, drive-thru and delivery service). With the new permissions for a delivery permit for on-premise licensees, any items that your account would like will need to be re-ordered through:
- iStore,
- emailing ABS.CommunicationCenter@montgomerycountymd.gov, or
- by fax at 240-777-1909.
Please keep in mind that ABS has implemented a minimum delivery of five cases of wine/spirit and seven cases of beer during this pandemic.