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Tax Credits for Priority Investment

Tax Credits for Priority Investment

Green Building Tax Credit
from the City of Rockville

  • A financial incentive for property owners to renovate their buildings to meet LEED Silver, Gold, or Platinum certification and ENERGY STAR certification.
  • Available to existing commercial buildings and multifamily residential structures with four or more stories.
  • The maximum annual tax credit is $60,000 per applicant for a five-year period.
  • For more information, please contact the Environmental Management Division at (240) 314-8872.

Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit (BIITC)
from the State of Maryland

  • Provides an investor with income tax credits equal to 50% of an eligible investment in a Qualified Maryland Biotechnology Company.
  • The maximum tax credit is limited to $250,000 per fiscal year for each QMBC.
  • For more information, please contact Virginia Crews at 410-767-6359 or Mark A. Vulcan at 410-767-6438.

Biotechnology Investor Incentive Program
from Montgomery County

  • A supplemental grant to the State’s program available to investors of biotechnology companies located in the County.
  • Investors who are approved and receive tax credits from the Maryland Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit Program will automatically receive the supplemental grant.
  • Supplemental grants are typically disbursed between March and May each year for investments made in the previous calendar year.
  • For more information, contact the Montgomery County Department of Finance at 240-777-8860.

Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit (CIITC)
from the State of Maryland

  • Provides a refundable income tax credit to Qualified Maryland Cybersecurity Companies (QMCC) that secure investment from qualified investors.
  • QMCCs receive a credit equal to 33% of an eligible investment with a limit of $250,000 for each investor per fiscal year.
  • A QMCC is a company that has fewer than 50 employees, has been an active business for less than 5 years, and is based in Maryland, among other requirements.
  • For more information, please contact Lani Sinfield at 410-767-4041 or Kenneth McCreedy at 410-767-6379.

Cybersecurity Tax Credit Supplement Program
from Montgomery County

  • Local supplement to the Maryland Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit.
  • County-based QMCCs that receive a final Maryland tax credit certificate are eligible for the local supplement the following year, subject to appropriation of funds.
  • For more information, contact the Montgomery County Department of Finance at 240-777-8860.

Research and Development Tax Credit
 from the State of Maryland

  • Businesses that have qualified R&D expenditures in the State may qualify for two income tax credits, the Basic R&D and the Growth R&D.
  • The Basic R&D Tax Credit is equal to 3% of eligible expenses, while the Growth R&D Tax Credit is equal to 10% of eligible expenses.
  • For more information, please contact Stacy Kubofcik at 410-767-4980 or Mark A. Vulcan​ at 410-767-6438.

For additional tax credits and incentives, visit https://thinkmoco.com/tax-credits.