Industry Clusters
Rockville is home to more than 70,300 jobs (2014) and is projected to add more than 30,000 new jobs between 2015 and 2040. (Source: MWCOG Round 8.4 Projections, 2015). While jobs in all industry types may be found in the City of Rockville, below is more detailed information on the top industry clusters that call Rockville home.
Biotech/Life Sciences/Healthcare
More than 10,000 workers in the private sector and an estimated 49,000 in federal government agencies work in Montgomery County’s I-270 “DNA Alley”. Rockville is the center of Montgomery County’s biotech cluster, as over 170 of Montgomery County’s 350 life sciences companies have a Rockville address.
View our REDI for Bio flyer to find out what makes Rockville the center of Maryland’s biohealth industry.
Full list of Rockville biotech/medical companies
Information Technology
Rockville’s I-270 Technology Corridor houses over 200 IT companies; Montgomery County is home to 1,200 IT companies employing over 90,000 people.
Source Montgomery County Department of Economic Development
Full list of Rockville biotech/medical companies
International Companies
Rockville’s well-educated international population attracts international companies wishing to do business in the U.S., and enables Rockville-based companies to operate globally.
Selected list of Rockville biotech/medical companies
No place else on earth is in the center of so many U.S. federal laboratories and agencies.
Large Companies
Rockville’s largest employers include companies in the information technology, education, biotech, healthcare, and federal and local government sectors.